
Who is BIHL?

Botswana Insurance Holdings Limited (BIHL) is a broad based financial services company offering an array of products and services in Botswana and with a presence across the Southern African region. BIHL Group is the holdings company of Botswana Life Insurance Limited, which the leading life insurance company in Botswana, Botswana Insurance Fund Management (Bifm), the oldest and largest asset management company in the country which boasts P23.9 billion assets under management.

Where does BIHL operate from?

BIHL main offices are located at Fairgrounds Financial Centre, Gaborone, with branches across Botswana and Southern Africa.

What is BIHL’s strategy?

The BIHL Group strategy is guided by five pillars namely: Optimal capital utilisation; Earnings growth; Costs and efficiencies; and Diversification Transformation. In the 2011-2012 financial year the Group’s results included a 12% increase in Operating Profit to P316 million; a 9% increase in Premium income to P1.8 billion as well as a 7% increase in investments to the tune of P11.1 billion. BIHL’s overall assets under management also saw a 1% increase to P17.8 billion.

What does BIHL do differently to outperform competitors and grow the book of business?

New technology has been embedded throughout BIHL subsidiaries to improve service provision and client retention. Using technology as a tool to further remove waste and unnecessary costs in all operations, has led to improved customer focus and profitability which is necessary in this saturated market.

What is BIHL’s policy on Corporate Social Investment?

The Group believes in building stronger communities for a better tomorrow. As such, the BIHL Trust was set up in 2007 with a mandate to co-ordinate and manage the Group’s corporate social investment (CSI) activities in a way that would reflect its commitment to CSI. Most recently, the Group established the Thomas Tlou Scholarship, which gives citizens with a first degree the opportunity to further their education thus deepening the country’s skills base.

How is BIHL Botswana run?

BIHL is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board in turn appoints a Chief Executive Officer (Ms Catherine Lesetedi), who oversees the management and strategic direction of the Group.

Does the Management have a good track record?

With numerous Corporate Governence policies in place and a strict adherence to Best Practice, the BIHL Management team have evidenced a strong reputation and track record.